Barry was born and raised on a dairy farm in Taranaki attending school at Mokoia then Hawera. He has lived in the Waikato for most of the last 30 years. Barry and his wife Jenny now own a lifestyle block at Te Kowhai where they have lived since 1999.
After a 15 year career in local government Barry commenced his real estate career in 2002 with First National Te Awamutu. Over a five year period he sold nearly $30 million worth of real estate. During his time he has received numerous annual and monthly awards for his achievements including Ray White's Rural Salesperson of the Year.
With a notable number of high value farms and lifestyle blocks to his credit, Barry has established himself as an extremely competent professional within the real estate industry.
In early 2009 he joined Ray White Hamilton to take advantage of the very strong rural sales team and all the benefits the Ray White franchise offers to his large client base.
Barry is a registered owner/trainer and trains his own horses at Te Rapa. An avid bridge player, he has attained Grand Master status.
Barry has a friendly relaxed manner, strong work ethic and a great ability to communicate. He will always go the extra mile to ensure a successful outcome for clients.
- 2020/2021 - Executive
- 2016 - Executive Performer (NZ)