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Kevin Benge

Investment Specialist

I am an Investment Specialist for Ray White in Hamilton.

 A career in real estate has been a major part of my life. I apply my real estate expertise in Hamilton and provincial towns throughout the Waikato such as Ngaruawahia and Huntly.

The types of properties that I specialise in include flats, units, townhouses, apartments and houses. 

My goal is to help property investors achieve their financial goals and become financially independent. 

As an Investment Specialist, I help investors to secure the best real estate outcomes by providing them with expert support and guidance on:

  • Maximising returns from real estate transactions
  • Ensuring that rents being charged are both current and market rents    
  • Compliance of investment properties through applying a sound knowledge of the RTA 1986 and the RTA Amendment Act 2020 and the Healthy Homes Standards 2019

I partner with Ray White Property Management when working with investors who require property management expertise.

I am an active member of the Waikato Property Investors Association in Hamilton. 

Kevin Benge the Values-Driven Man

  • I am a strong believer in ethical and professional conduct in the real estate industry.
  • I utilise honesty, integrity and openness in my business dealings with my clients.

Kevin Benge in the Community:

  • A member of the congregation of St Peter’s Cathedral.
  • A volunteer at the Hamilton Men’s Night Shelter.
  • A supporter of the Hamilton Night Shelters.

Kevin Benge the Family Man:

  • My eldest daughter is a Solicitor
  • Another daughter is a mother and home maker
  • My son works in the construction industry
  • My youngest daughter is training to become a teacher  


  • 2014/2015  -  Executive Performer
  • 2015/2016  -  Premier Performer
  • 2016/2017  -  Executive Performer
  • 2017/2018  -  Executive Performer
  • 2018/2019  -  Executive Performer
  • 2020/2021  -  Premier Performer
  • 2021/2022  -  Executive Performer
  • 2022/2023  -  Executive Performer


  • 2022/2023 - Executive Performer
  • 2021/2022 - Executive
In the market

Kevin's Listings
